Association of bell clarence & dargan inc.

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The logo story

Our logo has now been professionally designed to provide a high-definition logo that can be used for all digital and print it will look crisp and sharp, a logo we can be proud of.

The lyrebird was chosen for its ability to mimic the voices of animals in its surrounds – just as ABCD Inc echoes and amplifies the many voices of the communities we serve.

Australia's superb lyrebird clears litter and seedlings from the forest floor, reducing the likelihood and intensity of bushfires. It is possibly one of the best Australian “ecosystem engineers", a term that is becoming more recognised in conservation recovery. Research has shown that a lyrebird can move more than 150 tonnes of leaf litter and soil per year and it is vital to the ecology of the area, supports other organisms, influences fire behaviour and aids post-fire ecosystem recovery!  It is a symbol for the work of our association, in creating a resilient community able to protect ourselves against future disasters. 

The logo is simple, meaningful and unique to us, the logo includes:

The Lyrebird tail feathers: 

Road - a ribbon of triangles. The lyrebird tail flows like the road connecting the communities. 

Triangles - three communities united. A triangle has three points or three angles, representing three communities. A triangle is nothing without all three points, if one point (community) is not present it is no longer a triangle. A triangle is infinite & united even if the angles differ. 

The Colour Palette - The lyrebird tail starts from black representing the burnt landscape that rises to an Australian green, representing the recovery of the natural environment and the communities. 

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